There are far too many GOP debates. And, they have been too much like reality shows, always contentious and sometimes purport to be helpful but offer little substance.
I keep hearing GOP candidates proselytizing these debates are necessary. Hmmm.
Then there are the other political pundits who continue to beat the drum that the candidates need to continue debating. They say Americans need to hear it all before they can make a thoughtful decision. I suppose to some extent this is true.
When is enough, enough?
I know how to surf the web, pick up the phone and make calls…pretty much all you need to do to truly get to the information you need about any candidate regardless of whether they are running for a national, state, or local office.
The current roster of GOP candidates insist they need to get it all out in the open for Americans before the final nomination decision is made. They argue the derision and fury that will be focused on the GOP candidate by Team Obama starting in June will be the greater messaging battle. I suppose this could be true too, President Obama is the most notorious of all campaigners we have known.
Knowledge is a good thing, the facts even better. I contend in the end that fewer scurrilous debates at this point would offer more GOP public relations value moving forward.
Most know what Obama’s campaign strategy end game will be, and I think weary Americans and GOP nominees will need all the rest they can get.