Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Horowitz & Newt On OWS Protestors: Back to Back Totally Awesome Smackdowns

It makes my heart sing when someone with the stature and knowledge of David Horowitz, founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and editor of FrontPage Magazine, has the courage to come right out and tell it like it is: “They are idiots!” The OWS protestors are idiots, no joke. However, it’s a very sad protest and on several levels.

Watch the David Horowitz video if you need a little more convincing.

To make matters worse, these protestors appear to have no idea how played they are —since birth—by the very same liberal ilk Horowitz used to be part of years ago and knows so well.

As the angry in New York and nationwide continue to chant on behalf of far-left, progressives such as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the POTUS, all of whom ironically belong to the 1 percent, and are rapidly driving the U.S. Constitution into the ground, the President continues to travel around the world campaigning. Let’s face it…he continues to avoid the ire of the American people and Congressional foes from the very tangible destruction he has brought on this nation.

In my opinion, it’s the unabashed hypocrisy of OWS that is the most daunting right now. It’s never been so open and so in our faces. The virulent outburst by media and entertainers such as Jimmy Fallon and the cowardly, musical smack down of Michele Bachmann’s entrance on his show last night are just more of the same liberal desperation and the bubbling up of a nation in serious distress without a leader who truly wants to solve the problems for all Americans.

No, Obama has not made things better. He’s made them exponentially worse and the facts, numbers and the Occupiers smacking down policeman and those willing to put in a hard day’s work exist today to prove it.

I think Newt said it best this week, telling Occupy Wall Street, “go get a job after you take a bath.” Newt further broke it down for those in a PC stuper by adding Thomas Jefferson’s and John Smith’s warning to American settlers that they could not eat if they did not work. This, Newt emphasized, embedded a “deep sense of responsibility” in the American psyche.

In contrast, Newt argued that the Occupy movement was grounded in entitlement stating, “…all the Occupy movement starts with [is] the premise that we all owe them everything.”

We don’t.

As I prepare food for Thanksgiving and look forward to dining with friends this Thursday, I continue to be thankful for the men like Newt and Horowitz (and the many women) who dare to speak the truth.