Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Watch KSL's Sunday Edition Attorney General Q&A: Sean Reyes v. John Swallow

KSL Sunday Edition's Richard Piatt (who recently replaced Bruce Lindsay as the new host) interviews the two GOP Attorney General candidates Sean Reyes and John Swallow.

Both candidates fumble a bit in first segment but then Sean Reyes does what he does best: wins! Reyes dominates the second segment with a commonsense message of superior legal leadership and the professionalism required to truly lead Utah's largest law firm — the Attorney Generals office.

Make sure to watch both segments (and check out comments below) before you vote on June 26!

Support for AG Candidate Sean Reyes Rapidly Growing Each Day

will u posted 1 day ago
Thank you Mr. Piatt for hosting an interesting debate.

I listened to both Mr. Reyes and Mr. Swallow carefully, and I'm going to put my money on Mr. Reyes.

John Swallow comes across as just another "yes" man, or puppet for the Utah State Legislature. The office of Utah Attorney General has a non-partisan aspect to it and Mr. Reyes appears he will represent ALL the people of the state.

I'm going to vote for Sean Reyes, good luck Sir.
The_Observer posted 1 day ago
As an attorney, I can't help but smirk when John Swallow claims he has more experience than Sean Reyes. Reyes is one of the most competent attorneys in the entire state; Swallow is just a political hack who is Mark Shurtleff's handpicked successor--which should be alarming to anyone who closely follows Utah politics. Perhaps more importantly is the fact that Reyes is an honest man while Swallow is a stereotypical attorney who gives the rest of us a bad name.
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Fortyfiveacpdvc posted 1 day ago
Mr. Reyes has promised to return the AG's office to its intended purpose, to represent the people of Utah. The current office does nothing if it doesn't promise good press for the incumbent who hand picked John Swallow. Register to vote no later than 15 days before the republican primary June 26th. Vote for Sean Reyes.
report as abusehttp://www.ksl.com/?nid=750&sid=20581253&title=may-27-ag-candidates-and-outside-money-in-politics

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Utah's 2nd Congressional District Breakout Session Rivals 2012 Funkytown Debate

Sometimes you just have to laugh...even when things go so very wrong as they did last month at Utah's GOP Convention on April 21 during the 2nd District breakout session.

If you haven't already watched it, check out Saturday Night Live's 2012 Funktown Debate. One of the funniest and scariet debates aside from Utah's 2nd Congressional District breakout session I've ever witnessed.

Maybe I am up in the night but I do think Captain Catfish could be Eureka Mayor Milt Hanks in disguise?!

Have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

I’ll Take the High School Prankster Any Day...

There is no question, Team Obama is getting more desperate by the day given the attention and deep research they are currently putting into disseminating “negative attack” fodder on Romney.

Sadly, the attempt is laughable.

While talking with my Dad, he mentioned a recent golf outing where one of the men he was playing with was despondent at the thought of Obama leading in the polls and that he could possibly win.

As I learned all too well from Utah's 2nd Congressional District debacle, polls and fictional attack fodder can be easily manipulated and even covered up all types of gain depending on the motives and power involved.

Just ask Eureka Mayor Milt Hanks...  

My answer to my Dad: don’t be too sure.

While I realize many believe perception is reality, I continue to emphasize the importance of keeping our eyes on the prize: the U.S. economy. 

My general sense, as I listen to all sides of the spectrum including Democrats, many of whom voted for Obama in 2008, is that the hope and change the President stumped on are just not resonating like they did just a few years ago.

Why? Because livelihoods are on the line, gas prices are soaring, unemployment isn’t falling, jobs are vanishing and disappointment in President Obama and his lost promises are surging regardless of last-ditch campaign efforts to superficially appeal to the LGBT demographic.

All Americans are smartening up no matter their political or social issue preference, and thank goodness for that.

Do You Want a President Who Snorted Cocaine, Drank to Excess, and Hung Out with Communists or a Prankster? - Godfather Politics

If you ask me who would you want as president a drug user socialist versus prankster, I’m sure my answer is clear.

I’ll take the prankster with the American Dream vision and economic know-how any day.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Utah GOP Convention Carnage

I dedicate my blog today to fellow Utah blogger Adam Gale in response to his blog post.

Mr. Gale, your accusations against Cherilyn Eagar and the other candidates are unfounded and false. You base these on an “anonymous letter,” a theatrical over-sensitivity and hearsay. The mounting irregularities which occurred in the 2nd District race are still being probed by the Utah GOP office.

It is clear that Mr. Gale, a state delegate, unemployed and diehard Chris Stewart volunteer from day one, is misinformed. He persists in spreading lies, and I wonder why?
Even more flabbergasting, Mr. Gale goes on to hold the less-than-aboveboard Eureka Mayor Milt Hanks in high esteem for a slanderous speech that was not only subjective and highly suspect, but also chock full of innuendos and lies. In less than six-minutes, Hank’s speech and the anonymous letter he waved around in the air were insidious acts which gravely impacted the serious hard work and dedication by legitimate 2nd District candidates who took the process and party decorum seriously.

Whether you support a candidate or not, to take the very low road like it appears Stewart’s campaign staffers did to win at all odds in my opinion clearly demonstrates the lack of public virtue lacking among today’s politicians and their consultants — no wonder Congress’ approval rating is at an all-time low.

I have personally worked with and known Cherilyn Eagar for over two years. She is no pushover, and strong forthright individual who entered the race to bring about “real” change.  She is not the type as Gale claims, to yell at someone for supporting another candidate.

Gale’s accusation that she "yelled" at him because of his support for Chris Stewart is a figment of his highly sensitive imagination and nothing more.
I waited for a week to post after the GOP convention to get my mind around the magnitude of what happened last weekend and put some perspective on it.

I knew the politics game would be a tough place from the start. I made a vow I would only support good people with integrity, people who wanted to do the right thing no matter their chances of winning, and who had the backbone deserving of my public relations experience.
I can happily say that after spending several hours at the Utah GOP headquarters this past week to debrief on the 2nd District race experience, I met many of the other candidates who are good and honorable people. This gives me hope.

I also know I backed the right candidate in the 4th District. A big shout out goes to Stephen Sandstrom! Stephen ran a hard-fought and positive race, and his support for Mia Love to avoid a Primary slugfest was the right decision for Utah and for the country.
Where next for EUG? Upward and onward to ensure Sean Reyes becomes Utah’s next Attorney General because he is the superior legal candidate who encompasses the integrity, compassion and outstanding leadership skills to get the AG office back on track and effectively protect all Utahns.

While I am not sure I will ever attend another GOP State Convention as a delegate, I do have hope that good will come out of all of this.
As someone I respect said to me just after the convention when I was at my lowest: “Remember, it’s a marathon not a sprint.”