Let it be said as we head into 2012: Barack Obama is no fool. He’s pretty darn slick in fact.
However, this qualification coming from the EUG doesn’t give BO the ability to lead this country toward greatness. His many failures in this regard are already proven.
Obama’s ideology of what America is all about and why the country’s economy has been so spectacular over the past 235 plus years has obviously been short circuited through liberal progressivism and Marxist attrition. Given today’s economic stagnation and increase in social divisiveness, why he continues down the same path toward destruction becomes clearer each day.
Yes, the Obama’s left for Hawaii and are now likely basking on the beaches and on the golf courses. This, of course, being the umpteenth vacation, and one that BO said he wasn’t going to take due to a Congress in crisis over an undoable, two-month extension of the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits.
The U.S. House and Senate continue to posture with the thought of which party will be the winner in 2012 dancing in their heads. If Obama and his cronies really believe Americans can’t see through his campaign strategy and Reid’s bogus ultimatum, they are truly trapped in Beltway narcissism.
This week’s war games on Capitol Hill will ultimately come back to bite Dems in the butt.
Peter Ferrara, the author of America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb and former policy advisor to Ronald Reagan, sheds a bit more light on the current president whose economic policy and tax and spending fantasies have been instrumental in moving this nation to the brink of collapse. He thoughtfully asks his readers to lift up the hood, and take a closer look at why this country remains on the brink of collapse after three years of Obama lip service.
Ferrara explains in Our Marxist Wizard of Oz, “Instead of the American capitalist model maximized by Reaganomics [which worked!], Obama tells us to look at the basic infrastructure spending of other countries as the model that works. But American economic growth is not suffering because of a lack of basic infrastructure like a third world country. It is suffering because Obama is so doggedly pursuing the opposite of every policy that would free the economy to produce and boom. Under such Obamanomics, soon enough America will be suffering from the lack of a reliable energy grid like a third world country.”
I think the biggest tragedy is that none of this had to happen, or at least it could have been prevented. If only Americans had asked more questions of Obama and received factual answers from mainstream media.
Ferrara explains in no uncertain terms, “What Obama is peddling to America on tax policy is only the ugliest example of his well-established rhetorical style of calculated deception. It is based on what he thinks the average voter does not know and will not know, and can be manipulated to believe to Obama's political advantage. For the picture he is painting of the rich getting away without paying their fair share while working people bear most of the tax burden is the opposite of reality.”
“This [calculated deception] all adds up to a brew for another recession in 2013, unless the American people force a change in course in 2012,” Ferrara adds.
My bet: a tidal wave of commonsense change and a flushing of Congress next year.