It’s Super Bowl Sunday! While I realize the November 2012 general election will be pivotal and is closing in, I also realize that every once in a while you have to just laugh and watch football. Go Pats!
Before I dive into the chips, I’ll share that I’m optimistic despite the underlying feeling that the change required in November to move this country toward less government, greater freedom, and prosperity could be insurmountable if the Republican Party doesn’t wise up fast to conservative demand.
The D.C. grip on this country, the states, and its people is unyielding but not impossible to break.
I just finished Jack Abramoff’s book Capitol Punishment: The Hard Truth About Washington Corruption From America's Most Notorious Lobbyist last night. It was great, not the most fluid in terms of writing style but incredibly factual, relevant and eye-opening. The details were many although you could tell the biography was carefully cleansed to not expose the many who still actively broker power in Congress that benefitted from the same corrupt behavior and sometimes illegal conduct Jack went to prison for.
Abramoff’s book offers some solutions to the corruption and illegal activity gripping our country. Are we willing to listen?
Americans know today’s provisional shenanigans with huge payoffs for special interests and their lobbyists and Congress are going on in Washington 24X7 and yet collectively as citizens we take a back seat and put our heads in the sand.
Is the freight train moving too fast? I don’t think so. While I agree with Jack that change isn’t likely to occur anytime soon.
The change starts to occur by reading, self-educating, and then executing on that education.
If the Republican Party should take the Oval Office in 2012, we can only hope with institutional memory in mind, that the new president will proactively address Washington Corruption, do the right thing and make some hard choices: entitlements, tax policy, and energy among the three most important.