Sadly, the attempt is laughable.
While talking with my Dad, he mentioned a recent golf outing where one of the men he was playing with was despondent at the thought of Obama leading in the polls and that he could possibly win.
As I learned all too well from Utah's 2nd Congressional District debacle, polls and fictional attack fodder can be easily manipulated and even covered up all types of gain depending on the motives and power involved.
Just ask Eureka Mayor Milt Hanks...
My answer to my Dad: don’t be too sure.
While I realize many believe perception is reality, I continue to emphasize the importance of keeping our eyes on the prize: the U.S. economy.
My general sense, as I listen to all sides of the spectrum including Democrats, many of whom voted for Obama in 2008, is that the hope and change the President stumped on are just not resonating like they did just a few years ago.
Why? Because livelihoods are on the line, gas prices are soaring, unemployment isn’t falling, jobs are vanishing and disappointment in President Obama and his lost promises are surging regardless of last-ditch campaign efforts to superficially appeal to the LGBT demographic.
All Americans are smartening up no matter their political or social issue preference, and thank goodness for that.
Do You Want a President Who Snorted Cocaine, Drank to Excess, and Hung Out with Communists or a Prankster? - Godfather Politics
If you ask me who would you want as president a drug user socialist versus prankster, I’m sure my answer is clear.
I’ll take the prankster with the American Dream vision and economic know-how any day.