Sunday, February 3, 2013

All the wonderful things we have, but...

At the end of Obama's first term...

We still have Gitmo, but closed the Official Gitmo Closing thing-a-ma-jiggy thing.

We still have that wonderful Sarah Palin impersonator Tina Fey (she's so darn funny), but have lost Tina Turner to the Swiss.

We still have 8% UE, but Mitt Romney was a greedy capitalist, dog-hating Mormon who hid his riches in the Cayman Islands.

We had the 4th quarter GDP turn out to be negative (surprised look on face) despite all of Obama's much-heralded stimuli, but once again Mitt Romney was a dog-hating Mormon...

We don't have Keystone Pipeline, but lots of new "pipes" in CO and WA.

We haven't vanquished al Qaeda, but we can watch Zero Dark Thirty and then "make up our own minds" regarding enhanced interrogation.

We have the wonderful "Affordable Care Act", but my medical insurance jumped 20%.

We have Hillary about to embark on her 8-year-delayed coronation, but still no answers from that Ben Ghazi guy, whoever he is.

We no longer have a Jobs Council, but as HRC has rightly said, What difference does that make?

We have China building Jeeps, but Detroit is looking like you'll probably be needing that 4-wheel drive.

We have Beyonce lip syncing at the inauguration, but a 15 year old girl (who did not lip sync her inauguration performance) gunned down a couple blocks from Obama's Chicago crib.

We have turned legal law abiding gun owners into pariah, but on American Idol we now have Mariah. 
(That one is for the information-challenged voters.)

We have a Vietnam War protestor as the new Secretary of State, but not to worry because its all cool as long as democrats are in charge of things.

We have an anti-semite dolt about to be named Defense Secretary, but as Don Rumsfeld would say, "You have to go with the dolt you have, not the dolt you wish you had."

We have all kinds of threats to American way of life coming at us from all sides, but on the bright side we'll now have women in the foxholes, which for some reason sounds slightly dirty.

Thanks to political blogger and cartoonist JH for the humorous and slightly squeamish commentary on all the wonderful things we have...but!