Tuesday, September 24, 2013


No way, no how I keep hearing. The American people have spoken but are our politicians listening?! I sure hope so but sometimes it doesn't feel that way.

Contrary to left-wing media diatribe, the country is not evenly divided on this issue but you wouldn't know it if you opened your morning paper. Even in Utah, a conservative state by design, the main daily continues to spout off about Utah Senator Mike Lee and how "insane" he is for pushing a budget that doesn't include funding for Obamacare - how could that be?!  

Where's that sacred civility I keep hearing my left-leaning friends nattering about? Still waiting.

I will tell you how that could be - it's because most of the nation and a majority of America's small businesses are saying HELL NO! I've looked under the covers and this law sucks. Think about it, if Obama's cronies and lobbyist friends don't want to abide by the law, should you?

The new healthcare law was JAMMED down our throats via a Democratic partisan vote back in the first term when no one wanted it. It never passed with bipartisan support and now businesses and individuals are running from it in droves.

Why would they be running you might be thinking, isn't this new healthcare law about a better healthcare environment for all including easier access to medical treatment, more doctors, and better insurance options and better facilities and innovation? Nope, I am afraid the writing on the wall says it's not.

In fact, if you dig a little deeper across the 2,600-plus pages of the biggie-sized ACA, there are so many subtle red (run away now) flags it's dizzying. For instance, take the section on "school loans" (why is this even in ACA again?) that determines what money is given to what student depending on what type of medical practice they choose to specialize in (ouch!). Or, how about the part that ensures businesses are forced to pay fines if they choose a different healthcare plan for employees that doesn't meet Obamacare standards (when did we decide Washington gets to determine voluntary benefits programs?)... and then there are the attacks on American individuals and their current plans, which are either being eliminated or premiums are doubling, because they don't meet Obamacare lofty standards (wait, I can't keep my current healthcare? Why? Didn't you say I could keep my plan if I liked it?! Yeah, they lied.).

The ACA, it appears, is not so affordable after all. If you don't believe me, check out more facts before you throw torches at folks like Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz who are OVER taking it lying down and at least have the guts to throw themselves on the line despite the mighty backlash that is the Obama admin. and their minions.

If you are like me, sick of watching the country divided and stuttering economically at every turn (NO 7.4% unemployment shouldn't be the new norm, don't kid yourself), then sign the petition that DEFUNDS this incredibly bad reform law and give let's give smart healthcare reform for all Americans a real try.

Check out www.defunditnow.com and sign the petition along with millions of other Americans including me who know we can do so much better.