Sunday, June 12, 2011

World War II party politically incorrect yet perfect

My summer reading tear is underway. I am immersed in Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, a nonfiction testament about the famous, 1930s Olympic track star Louis Zamperini and his resilience of human mind, body, and spirit. Only 100 pages into the book, I am hooked! I love political thrillers but this nonfiction story is so much more. It's real, part of American history and remembrance of a time past when Americans were truly proud of being American.

Fast forward. It's Sunday June 12, 2011 and school is out. Summer has started hailing lazy mornings, summer parties and just kicking back with friends and family.

Coincidentally, my nine year old daughter (a tomboy) gets invited to a summer party. The party theme: World War II complete with plastic toy guns, fun medic kits, two teams of kids costumed in American and German dress, cupcakes, drinks and grandpa, a military veteran, who was kind enough to teach the kids a bit about WWII history before running around the park and playing with them. This was a truly a Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians afternoon. The kids had a ball running around the local park with school off their minds just having a good, old time.

Fun for some but not all. A few whispers surfaced. Some parents didn't quite know what to do about  this party or theme. Play war, toy guns...? Really, in this day and age?! How politically incorrect and yet somehow perfect. Some appeared indignant that anyone would even think about throwing a party with a shoot 'em up war theme. Me...not so much. Affectionately labeled a "right-winger" by one mom, I had to giggle. Was my ability to be okay with this type of party really so right-wing or just a testament to my respect for this country and its hard-fought fight for existence and freedom.

The kids listened and looked on with eyes wide open when grandpa displayed a real (unloaded) German Luger. I, on the other hand, thought long and hard about what they were hearing, doing and even learning. Kids play good guys and bad guys, it’s part of life. Grandpa was just giving them a little history lesson.

War, while ugly in many respects, is a very real and decisive part of Americana and the evolution of mankind. Courage, honor and valor are also very real aspects of war. Some may choose to put their heads in the sand when it comes to war. Torture, killing, and evil acts are products of war and not pretty ones at that. While these aspects are not ideal by any stretch of the imagination, Americans' ability to understand, reason and defend what is right, good and liberating is just about perfect in my opinion not to mention symbolic of America's "can do" way of life. 

While the idea of a summer party with a war theme might be considered taboo by some, I prefer to believe this party was a way to not only celebrate summer childhood fun but also a way of subtly honoring good triumphing over evil in the world much the way America and its Allies did during WWII. Thank you Louis Zamperini!


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