Monday, September 5, 2011

EUG’s Cool Conservative Labor Day Special

Despite Beltway Rebuke Rush Continues to “Tell It Like It Is”

First and foremost for those still working, retired, supporting their families or proactively trying to find a job: Happy Labor Day!

Despite the dismal U.S. job market and 9.1% unemployment rate, there are many out there who continue to sing the praises of U.S. free-market innovation, ingenuity and exceptionalism while courageously warning Americans to remain vigilant in their fight against government-centric, corporate cronyism.

However, this week, one person in particular comes to mind, and it may be because he so eloquently pushed back on the recent, over-the-top story by The New York Times’ Daniel S. Hamermesh about the empirical albeit questionable idea of discrimination against ugly people and the progressive left’s dire need for new legislation to apparently combat the beauties from the beasts.

This unflappable conservative is none other than Rush Limbaugh. In fact, just last Friday during his open-mic radio show, Rush disparaged the idea of discrimination legislation for the less attractive. While a seemingly silly topic based on face value, the topic struck a chord with me. It was Rush’s secondary line of questioning about who would ultimately decide ugly eligibility that sent me for a loop. (Hint: she was finally proud of America for the very first time when her husband was elected president.)

So much for the generational saying: beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
What I believe Rush was trying to tell listeners is that because beauty is completely subjective on many levels among varying societal demographics it would be farcical to consider passing protection legislation.

Needless to say, while the suffocating fact that government intrusion still appears to reign along the Potomac, Rush continues to “Tell It Like It Is” without falter. For this reason, Rush Limbaugh — already deemed by many as America’s Number #1 Conservative — took this week’s Cool Conservative honor.

For those not able to find work or find your pot of gold, and feel it’s directly connected to the pizza face quotient, I hear tax deductions for plastic surgery are just around the corner! (A joke…I think?!).

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