Saturday, September 29, 2012

So many questions, so little time

If you've got constructive answers, feel free to comment.

Why would a terrorist group need the cover of a video to commit an act of terror? Is not an act of terror by definition that which cannot easily be thwarted in advance? That's what makes it terrifying.

Why is Obama et. al. so quick to blame the 14 minute video clip without question, yet hesitant to state what most people knew from the moment they first heard about it?

Like I have heard on the Five (good show by the way), who first proposed the notion of a Youtube video being the source for any and all rancor across the greater middle east. Why is this person not on television?

Why are we not angry here in the US at the mutilation of American citizens on American property and the raising of AQ Black flags in at least four American consulates? Also are these not acts of war?

When will we acknowledge the fact that Iran and its allies are on a course to wage all out war on Israel first, then on all the West?

Why do we allow the likes of Iran's leader to appear here on American soil at the UN. Do we not have any say as to who can come and go within our sovereign territory?

Can the UN be moved to some other country? I'm offended by the presence of that institution on American soil as long as it treats ruthless dictators on the same level as heads of state in good standing.

Why are Christians not as angry and offended about a crucifix suspended in a vat of urine on display in a public museum as the Muslims appear to be with regard to their religious symbols?

Why are we giving away cell phones to minorities in inner cities? I never heard of this until I heard from the rather enthused Obama supporter out of Cleveland.

Why is it not ok to state the fact that 47% or so of the populace of this country are in one way or another dependent on the federal government for their livelihood?

Will Romney come alive in the debates, like Reagan did against Carter? I hope so. He needs a "Well, there you go again." moment.
When federal officials opine in front of a mic, like Hillary Clinton, how come they only seem to regurgitate facts that we already know. Telling us over again what we already know takes up the allotted airtime and makes these people seem knowledgeable, but you may notice that they never really say anything.


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