Friday, September 21, 2012

The one thought that truly seemed appropriate in regards to the latest Obama swag was: WTF! Crass, maybe, but nonetheless honest and from the heart.

How can anyone take the current administration seriously given its blatant failure across almost all areas of governance including most recent the Arab Spring, YouTube video and U.S. State Dept. blunders, and more specifically take seriously a president who feels it is A-okay to post this kind of vulgar campaign swag to his online store.
Today's guest blogger JH has his own insights to share today regarding the above obamination:
I don't see a problem here, all 9 colonies are well represented. :) That's why our overlords aren't upset when the old flag, (the one with 13 stripes) gets trampled, since we don't use those old things anymore.
The new Post America is so wonderful! Why just today, we are getting a new space shuttle exhibit at the history museum up in Lost Angeles. The shuttle will forever sit down the hall from the dinosaurs, right next to the spot they are saving for the internal combustion engine and incandescent light bulb.
We celebrate failure, demonize success, make instant celebrities out of people you wouldn't want as a neighbor and surrender without so much as a fight our God given rights of free speech to a bunch of cranks whose own countries are barely out of the middle ages. This world is completely and utterly upside down.
I remember, not too long ago, when some hippie dude tried to light an American flag on fire during a game in the middle of the outfield at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. Rick Monday, an outfielder for the Cubs, ran over and swiped away the flag before the guy could light it on fire. It wasn't that long ago. At the time, Rick Monday was deemed a hero and he is still in possession of that flag to this day. Nowadays, who knows? Obama would probably say Rick Monday "acted stupidly".